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    the song is definitely named "together side by side" or just "side by side", what do you think?

  • Tilman Sillescu (feat. Xingyu Mao) - Red Love Affair
  • Tilman Sillescu (feat. Xingyu Mao) - Red Love Affair
  • i found it

  • been missing since 2007 so decided to make a discord to help a collective centralised search:

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  • i looked it up and i just got a result for something on reddit im not a tech wizard so i also dont know lets hope someone who knows can join the discussion

    john33Wed, 03 Jul 2024 01:37

    found something in the vocaroo file metadata (TXXX: isomiso2)idk what does that mean

    inthepastMon, 01 Jul 2024 00:01

    yeah but if it helps they both had the same name

    what is she waiting for = Download

    boiler = Download2

    and they are both mono although boiler is not as loud as wiswf

    and most of the uncalled for songs were in full and not in clips like boiler and wiswf

    mabreuSun, 30 Jun 2024 23:52

    welp, that sucks

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