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Name this Song


name that song

  • TWINNS - The Nuke (Original Mix)
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    Don't think so as while trying to find this I've heard the same sample in a couple other electro swing remixes, So I am pretty sure its something from the 1920s-30s

    popocatepetl285Fri, 05 Jul 2024 05:53

    could be self-made

  • @mods reject proposal, the proposal is just an AI song

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    I contacted Prefab Sprout, unfortunately they don't know this music

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    new sample in Electro
  • this is obviously AI, the voice is just to AI to be real, what a blatant use of AI.

    Dean9922Fri, 05 Jul 2024 06:24

    This can’t be real.. this gotta be AI

    A_Macknight4Fri, 05 Jul 2024 05:39

    I have a friend named Ben who has a voice similar to the one in this clip. I asked him if he made the song, and he said yes.

    Backstory: The song was made as a demo back in late 2004 - it would eventually get played on French TV the following year, after a producer for a TV show asked John if they could license his song after hearing it. This is how we got the snippet of Tension Rising in the Air. Hope this helps!!!

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