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  • O ok. In that case, the track should be easy to find.

    I suspect this could actually be stock music though. If that's the case, the guy's name is Tim Helisek, though the stock music he composed was only used in episodes from 2011-2012.

    The director of the episode you recorded it from might be Kate D'Arcy-Coleman, though she might not know about the music but you could still contact her. Give it a shot at least, I would say. Here is the IMDB page for everyone to do with CBS News Sunday Morning.

    Or you can look at this That's got everything, I think.

  • new sample in Electro
  • It is comfirmed now

    ¿Mon, 01 Jul 2024 00:08

    It's not.

    winimuMon, 01 Jul 2024 00:07

    Its 100% confirmed

    SSonyDSCSun, 30 Jun 2024 23:59

    @winimu it's not confirmed yet.

  • its 17 seconds!!!!! must be carl92 alt account

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  • new sample in Musique du monde
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    Larrington Walker - Joy
  • Damn worlds quickest solved lostwave

  • Do you have a longer recording? Or possibly a link to the video?

    squiggablawgFri, 28 Jun 2024 23:04

    was just some dude with a fursuit in a car

    SporksAgainstForksFri, 28 Jun 2024 17:45

    Do you remember the video?

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