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  • You found the answer, don't you want to submit it?

    Storm123321Thu, 04 Jul 2024 15:23


  • Terraria - OverWorld
  • new sample in Bande sonore
  • Sample was edited
  • Cleanup

  • new sample in Electro
  • Sample was edited
  • Sample was edited
  • 1

    Hank, I decided to look for the music at the source of your memories, so I sent a message to the band you mentioned B)

  • Thank you anyway!

    argueThu, 04 Jul 2024 09:18

    The first one is MAD DUBZ & Vayre - Feart Secs VIP

    The second one is Havoc by Bitfyre but it will never be released due to his files being wiped.

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