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Peter Auty - Walking In The Air (The Snowman)

found in 1 heures



name that song

  • DJ Khalil & CHIN - China
  • 1


  • Is it this song?

    eclipz55Tue, 02 Jul 2024 20:27

  • 1


  • new sample in Other
  • 1


  • 14
    Goth Von Core - Kay-LynnX10
  • 2
    Goth Van Core - Kay-LynnX10
  • 5

    No problem 😊

    NanaDensinTue, 02 Jul 2024 23:01

    Thanks Amatieris for letting me know. 😊 I didn't follow this quiz so I didn't see that it was rejected.

  • Hi, thanks for your comment.

    I would not say “real OP” - me and him were just looking for the same song I guess. I was unaware of his video until you pointed it out. The full song can be found in the Vocaroo I posted 3 years ago, so I would suggest using the full song rather than the small snippet futbol07productions posted on his channel if you would like to try locate the song. Notably, I feel the snippet futbol07productiond posted on his channel is slightly more HQ than the file I had.

    To update about this song, I still feel like Kriskaymusic is a good lead, but he never responded to me beyond replying to my initial “Hi”. My guess is this song is some MySpace era song, albeit with good production.

    Hopefully it will be found one day, but that’s all I have to share. Thanks!

    OKman2008Mon, 01 Jul 2024 18:50

    The real OP of "Hating On Me" is futbol07productions

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