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Il y a 13 jours

Rock - Spanish
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EN CE MOMENT Voir plus
  • "oh, shit. should of said, that this link isn't the original link that I downloaded it from. it's my own re-upload. I couldn't find the original upload link because I'm a cultured individual who occasionally has to cough cough "research" cough cough. my history gets deleted every now and then."
  • 3
    a sample in Electro
  • 3
    a sample in Electro
  • 3
    a sample in Bande originales
  • Sample was edited
  • Sample was edited
  • "this, even scratchy, sounds a bit like Oasis, but don't quote me on that. I hear, "Now I just sit and wait, I was here too late" "
  • "japanese, 80s-90s"
  • "Thank you very much to everyone who searched for this song! You did a great job! The song can be heard here in the background
    It remains to find this track in HQ, but I’m sure it’s a matter of time"
  • "also after the first song it then goes to a second. they all seem to be snippets of the ending sections of songs."
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