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Scheer Music - Falling Back In Love

found in 3 heures



name that song

  • that's okay. where did you originally get the higher quality snippet from? did you record only the audio of the video or something like that?

  • moderators can reject proposals on any sample

    Dololite275Tue, 02 Jul 2024 07:12

    How do you people even reject proposals?

  • Artist and title are reversed, please submit your answer again, thanks.

    debaseTue, 02 Jul 2024 05:07

    sounds like "died in your arms" to me

  • How do you people even reject proposals?

  • new sample in Other
  • so here is all i know:

    the title of the video was completely different from its actual content, it was something like "potato (ep#1)..." or "potato episode 1..." (potato is just a random word, but there were episodes, and this was the first one)

    there was no actual video content, only a slideshow of low-quality png images of ninja turtles and nintendo references with cloudy background ,and sometime a reference at the twin towers . in every image there was a scenario where two people or two ninja turtles were insulting each other through cartoon balloons

    sorry it sounds like a weird dream

    i'm on vacation so i won't be able to respond for a while

    wh4teverMon, 01 Jul 2024 20:33

    hello and no i don't have any longer sample ,i used audacity to amplify the sound a little bit . Sorry if it bothers you. i found the song on a youtube Poop with only 1k vew or less.

    averym1Mon, 01 Jul 2024 06:56

    looked thru the metadata, encoded with LAME3, used on audacity, OP has a longer sample

  • OP please confirm

  • nevermind

    maviiTue, 02 Jul 2024 06:58

    go, submit the proposal ;)

    eggy3Tue, 02 Jul 2024 06:34

    that's actually the name of the song. if you go to the link above you can listen to the song but you cannot download it, unfortunately. there was nothing on youtube, so I can't submit a proposal

  • go, submit the proposal ;)

    eggy3Tue, 02 Jul 2024 06:34

    that's actually the name of the song. if you go to the link above you can listen to the song but you cannot download it, unfortunately. there was nothing on youtube, so I can't submit a proposal

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