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"Grüße. Guten Abend. Ich bin hier, um alle meine Lieder zu finden. Allerdings weiß ich nicht, ob meine Sprachbarriere ein ähnliches Problem darstellen würde. Viele der Lieder, die ich finde, sind im tragbaren Radio zu hören. Natürliche Lieder sind meine Leidenschaft, also hoffe ich, dass dies kein Problem ist. Perhaps könnten wir sagen, in welchem ​​Fall meine Lieder entdeckt werden wie "Bad Influence", "Bravely", EKT, How Long, "Filthy Frank sOng" aus Kenia, Digitales Mädchen usw."

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    shm0rk1Thu, 23 May 2024 09:02
    Everything matches. Unfortunately, it hasn't been posted on any video sharing platform.
  • new sample in Electro
  • new sample in Electro
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    Actually, his spam might be the result of a glitch where sometimes a sample gets posted several times

    FindzemusicWed, 03 Jul 2024 04:36

    I am unsure. I was "solving" his spam (as in, typing the same thing over and over again like a lunatic), but them someone told/reminded me that saying the same thing is doing what he is doing. Report him to the mods that this site seemingly has.

  • 8

    As i said before, Christof is only the composer and the singers are still unknown

    FindzemusicWed, 03 Jul 2024 04:35

    I thought that I was doing something good by solving his spam...I am sorry.

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    Change To Win - Just A Game
  • Is it possible to get an image of the cassette?

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    I am unsure. I was "solving" his spam (as in, typing the same thing over and over again like a lunatic), but them someone told/reminded me that saying the same thing is doing what he is doing. Report him to the mods that this site seemingly has.

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