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  • we have a very good lead on the discord server !!

  • yes, yes, I especially remember the part that plays before the words

  • I'm pretty sure it's a song I downloaded from YouTube between 2012-2013 that I just didn't name. I have a lot of music downloaded from YouTube from that time, as I quite enjoyed doing so.

    bob241Wed, 03 Jul 2024 20:30

    It's not a famous song, it's also pretty bad.

    It could be a 45 rpm record produced by some tourism organization in some seaside resort and therefore sung by an unknown singer.

    In the 70s it was quite common, I myself own a pair.

  • 1

    Yeah i have like 100 hours in that game so I knew what it was

  • new sample in Soundtracks
  • It sounds familiar, I definitely heard similar music on the car radio

  • Sample was edited
  • Can you upload the link to the video please?

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    where did you get this?

  • perhaps this sound was recorded by Viktor Antonov (game designer valv), he just lived in Bulgaria, which was in a post-Soviet state in the 90s and 2000

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