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  • Nope, just that.

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    new sample in Pop
  • Sure, I'll try that.

    pumpkinguy19Tue, 02 Jul 2024 01:02

    interesting story, you can find more lost songs in the same parking lot dumpster you found it in.

  • I can't tell if this is sarcasm or not XD.

    Sander5200Tue, 02 Jul 2024 01:00

    The lore of this song is amazing! You found a cassete with this song in a dumpster! So interesting!

  • I don't remember that much, but it's probably at the tail end of December 2023, and I can't screen record it because the private Discord server I went is now deleted, so I can't screen record any video.

    pumpkinguy19Tue, 02 Jul 2024 01:07

    what year was it when he sent the video?

    keep in mind, you can screen record it and put it here.

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