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"hi !! my name is lizzie
i only have tt rn, so please reach out to me on there!

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    comments say its a remix of this

  • I am heavily skeptical of this one, it was originally "low quality" and OP "miraculously" brings out a full, HQ sample of the song saying they get it right out of a backup? This is likely a situation where the song is gatekept like ATC, KOG, and etc. If I got a dime each time there was a possible hoax of some cheesey 2000s' song, I'd have two dimes. Isn't that a little strange? Or are we all just a little weird.

  • this is definitely some kind of modern pop punk song. 

    at first i thought it could be by bowling for soup or simple plan, because the singer in this sample has the same sort of high pitch that both of those bands have (specifically ‘1985’ in bowling for soups’s case or ‘whats new scooby doo’ in simple plan’s case), but then again that’s just a common trait amongst the genre. 

    however, in words like ‘melody’ or ‘all’, there’s definitely some kind of european accent. i swear i’ve seen this one pop punk artist on youtube shorts that sounds just like the singer in this clip, but i cannot remember his name at all. damn. 

  • Fun Fact: I Have DVDs In My House, I Just Wanna See If There Is Any Music I Dont Know Or Forgot the Name

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  • (Not full, tape starts mid-song?)

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  • The bass sound and the rest reminds me a lot of Tony Scott "That's How I'm Living

    " from 1989:

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