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    Tres Mujeres - Paslangin
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    Sorry, meant comment.

    GreenDoggo19Tue, 02 Jul 2024 07:23

    Did my message about JAG get deleted? It had new information from the official subreddit.

  • 1

    Did my message about JAG get deleted? It had new information from the official subreddit.

  • 1
    HIGHLITE - Pleasure
  • that's okay. where did you originally get the higher quality snippet from? did you record only the audio of the video or something like that?

  • moderators can reject proposals on any sample

    Dololite275Tue, 02 Jul 2024 07:12

    How do you people even reject proposals?

  • Artist and title are reversed, please submit your answer again, thanks.

    debaseTue, 02 Jul 2024 05:07

    sounds like "died in your arms" to me

  • How do you people even reject proposals?

  • new sample in Other
  • so here is all i know:

    the title of the video was completely different from its actual content, it was something like "potato (ep#1)..." or "potato episode 1..." (potato is just a random word, but there were episodes, and this was the first one)

    there was no actual video content, only a slideshow of low-quality png images of ninja turtles and nintendo references with cloudy background ,and sometime a reference at the twin towers . in every image there was a scenario where two people or two ninja turtles were insulting each other through cartoon balloons

    sorry it sounds like a weird dream

    i'm on vacation so i won't be able to respond for a while

    wh4teverMon, 01 Jul 2024 20:33

    hello and no i don't have any longer sample ,i used audacity to amplify the sound a little bit . Sorry if it bothers you. i found the song on a youtube Poop with only 1k vew or less.

    averym1Mon, 01 Jul 2024 06:56

    looked thru the metadata, encoded with LAME3, used on audacity, OP has a longer sample

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