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  • 1 samples posted
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  • 3 comments posted

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  • Sample was edited
  • Y Kant Tori Read - You Go to My Head
  • 2
    Moby - Lift me up
  • TWINNS - The Nuke (Original Mix)
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    Don't think so as while trying to find this I've heard the same sample in a couple other electro swing remixes, So I am pretty sure its something from the 1920s-30s

    popocatepetl285Fri, 05 Jul 2024 05:53

    could be self-made

  • @mods reject proposal, the proposal is just an AI song

  • 1

    I contacted Prefab Sprout, unfortunately they don't know this music

  • 1
    new sample in Electro
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