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TV Girl - Not Allowed

found in 1 min



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    im not sure if this is already on WZS so forgive me if it is

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  • Yeah I thought it was that too and I know a majority of his samples, Wasn't it but it was worth looking into. I'm probably gonna dig around Spotify or TikToks and see if I can come across the audio that way, definitely sounds like it was from >2020

    Tyzz98Mon, 01 Jul 2024 23:51

    i totally agree i tried to see if it is dj sharpnel or RaveDJ because i heard similarities with the style but to no avail I think it's a good lead

    VaximousMon, 01 Jul 2024 23:06

    Not to mention, the audio quality with the instruments being significantly higher than the sampled audio is probably intentional since it sounds like a filter. Thinking its a TikTok audio/Spotify artist..

    VaximousMon, 01 Jul 2024 22:38

    This is a mashup between Around the world and I'm Blue, but it's likely not just a mashup between those two judging from the reddit post. I think it's likely someone who's made a song out of those two samples itself judging from the start of the song sounding more like a techno mix that just uses the two songs, Similar to what artists like DJ Sharpnel do.

  • change the title too

    CarsonGamerMon, 01 Jul 2024 23:56

    why is nobody rejecting my proposal?

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