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The John Wayne Supermarket - Coconuts No Kino Shitade

5829 days ago

Soundtracks - French

found in 34 days



name that song

  • Think it may be a sample from Zero-G "Ghost in the Machine". You might be able to find something there

  • Sample was edited
  • new sample in Soundtracks
  • 5

    What is the name of this channel?

  • Full Lyrics:

    I was hiding in here, from a storm.

    Think of a place, so soft and warm.

    Where do we go from here?

    I can see through the light, but the way is not clear.

    All i need is a dream like you

    Something to carry me through!

    Because i have so much to give.

    Come on baby as long as we live!

  • my grammar sucks lol

  • new sample in Other
  • just accept prospal or mods willr emove it or smth

  • Freezepop - Science Genius Girl - Freezepop Forever
  • @mods OP found his song

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