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WatZatSong is a song naming community.

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Parviz Rahmanpanah - Dream Of Heart

found in 3 hours



name that song

  • 1
    Lauri - Electric Autumn Lights
  • "

    Lauri - Electric Autumn Lights

    Sample starts from 1:14

  • 2
    "I think they ripped the beat from hundo49k's "No Points":

    Although, it's possible he also ripped the beat from somewhere else, but it has the MeRkz producer tag on it so at the very least you could just ask him.
    Insta - @whotfismerkz
    Email - [email protected] "
  • new sample in Pop
  • 2
    "It's up to you really, I suppose there's always a chance that the full song exists somewhere but idk"
  • "

    Almost whole song from tape, medium quality:

  • "Oh, well it's no use then. Should I delete this sample?
    LittleJimmySat, 08 Jun 2024 11:23
    A comment on a YouTube video of the ringtone says "Rowdy Rasoul is the name of the singer :) I believe this was scrapped, since there is no version of the song anywhere, just the 30-second bits."
  • "@sigbug on a finding spree"
  • 2
    "A comment on a YouTube video of the ringtone says "Rowdy Rasoul is the name of the singer :) I believe this was scrapped, since there is no version of the song anywhere, just the 30-second bits.""
  • "

    Whole song for better recognizing:

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